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mutual suspicion中文是什么意思

用"mutual suspicion"造句"mutual suspicion"怎么读"mutual suspicion" in a sentence


  • 互相怀疑
  • 相互猜疑


  • They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies .
  • The countries have mutual suspicions about the other ' s military ambitions
  • The bombing of the belgrade embassy was the match that set off the explosion . mutual suspicions fed on each other
  • They are not good terms with each other . the closure of all the channels for communication may add to their mutual suspicion
  • Hopefully this will take away some of the mutual suspicion that has stopped banks from lending to each other , sending short - term interbank interest rates to punitive levels
  • Meanwhile , in the absence of official numbers , with the heightened tension surrounding racial issues , and with the mutual suspicion that exists among competing racial and ethnic interest groups , there ' s little agreement on what intermarriage will mean for u . s . society in the future
  • Since security dilemma is harmful for their future development , both china and japan are still willing to consider the reconciliation with each other , which can be expected only via continued strategic dialogues , resuming visits of national leaders , resolving the mutual suspicion over the u . s . - japan security alliance , and ending the severe competition in energy sources
用"mutual suspicion"造句  
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